Keith Richard’s Mum

April 30, 2009


This lady chain-smoked her way through 2 coffees without batting an eyelid.

Where’d I put my Sunnies?

April 22, 2009


This man had the archetypical ‘having-a-bad-day’ look about him. Might have had something to do with the floating face that was following him around or maybe he just couldn’t remember where he left his shades.

Watch Out For Crocodiles!

April 22, 2009


As an expeiment, drew this, as one continuous line in response to things that were going on around me at the time. It all started when I read a story about a guy who left Folsom Prison (made famous by Johnny Cash) with $200, who then entered a job as a meatcutter. In the same magazine was a pasta recipe. I read it, looked straight into the leaves of a tree and just kept going until it ended with a chat about the baffling enthusiasm that tourists in the Northern Territory display for swimming in croc-infested waters. People see different things when they study the drawing – even stuff that’s not in there (that I’m aware of!).

No Trousers? Surely Not!

April 18, 2009


Everyone who sees this drawing in my sketchbook loves to laugh and insist that the man’s not wearing trousers. He was wearing shorts – stubbies, to use the vernacular and yes, they were tight. Perhaps not quite as tight as the drawing suggests. Let’s say ‘snug’ and leave it at that.

Commuter in a Cage

April 16, 2009


This man evidently couldn’t wait to get off the train, humming with nervous energy throughout the (short) journey. Don’t think he would have lasted another stop. Practically bolted out the door. Big guy too. Wouldn’t want to be in the way.