Loosely Defined People

October 30, 2009

loose people

One day, someone who looks like the man on the right will sit on the train, right beside me. It will be a lesson: do not render people so loosely, just because you think they’re about to move away.

Puck Fiddles With His iPhone

October 27, 2009

horned god on iphone

You’re a horned deity with time to kill on your commute. What are you going to do? Fiddle with social media. What else?

Puck Ascends His Throne (Sharpie)

October 27, 2009


Granted, I didn’t see this guy on the train. This is a sketch-rough for an idea that I’ve been playing with as a lead-up to an art competition entry. Dead rough, odd as you like. Straight-up.

Anxious couple (pen, ink, felt-tip)

October 23, 2009


There was a lot of whispering. He was very uptight, lots of leaning in and muttering. She was a bit distant. They settled down after a bit.

Black Combat Jacket

October 19, 2009

blackcombat copy

More reading. This time in a black, combat-style jacket. Doubt it would last long in a military scenario somehow but that’s fashion for you. No idea what she was reading. Art of War, maybe?