Wild Tie

June 3, 2010

Check out my sartorial elegance. The rest of you don’t even get as much as a mention. Bunch a’ loosers. You want to look good, get yourself a decent suit – tailored, not your off-the-rack rubbish. And the tie is the clincher. Got that?

And a haircut. And a beard.

Over and out. Got cool stuff to do.

Dapper Dan

December 21, 2009

I have no idea if his name is really Dan. He may not even be all that dapper but he certainly has a style all of his own.


December 8, 2009

In the drawing, this man looks a lot older than in real life. Mind you, he was pretty tired, so who’s to say?

Buy this drawing at Etsy

Late Night, Friday

July 31, 2009

Late Night

A little worse for wear, after a busy week. He wasn’t the only one. Felt obliged to wake the guy when the train terminated (payback for being such a good model). Not sure if he made it off the train before it shunted off into the terminus…

Vest and tie

June 29, 2009


Tuesday morning, busy busy busy, catching up on work-related reading on the train. Bags under eyes, specs on head, bit chilly but very, very busy…