Line Shirt

February 28, 2010

This is the same person drawn in the post titled Bundled Up With a Book, this time focusing on the linework in the shirt-pattern. I was a bit bored, so trying lots of little changes, rather than really thinking about what I was doing. The journey went pretty quickly as a result.

At the Dentist

February 24, 2010

At the dentist last weekend. Didn’t draw this one from life, have to admit. No desire to prolong the experience – which is no slight on my dentist.


February 23, 2010

Maybe not Spiderman but Spiderhand at least. Working on the train. Some people never let up. C-O-N-C-E-N-T-R-A-T-E

Poll: An eMail List for this Blog?

February 21, 2010

Snug as a Bug

February 19, 2010

Our new son. Relatively easy to draw because he doesn’t move around much (yet) and at the same time, tricky because his proportions are different to anything I’m used to. He spends most of time doing what he does in the picture, although he wasn’t very co-operative last night. So, it’s bags under the eyes and bumping into things for us, blissful slumber and food on demand for him all day today.