I Can Wait

April 13, 2010

Waiting doesn’t bother me. I have a book and a massive handbag, chock-full of entertainments. You’ll never see the half of them, though but you can look all you like.

Black Combat Bag and Book (Pen & Ink)

November 8, 2009

heavyset jacket blog

This lady had a lot of presence. She dresses entirely in black, most of the time.

Buy the original drawing at my Etsy store

Robert Ludlum, Headshrinker (pen & ink)

October 2, 2009

ludlum blog

Airport thrillers are bad for your brain – especially if read out of that context. This lady’s handbag caught my eye. It was amazingly complex, a real utility item; pockets, straps, zippers, heavy stitching, thick leather and jet black. Complete contrast to her leisure suit, soft shoes and heavily-patterned blouse. Maybe it was full of spy stuff. We shall never know.

You can buy this drawing at my Etsy store

Crocodile Handbag

September 20, 2009


It’s a shame in way that this is a black and white drawing. This lady was a riot of colour. I’m pretty much certain that she had the entire spectrum covered. Very relaxed and restful she was too. Maybe she was worn out from the energy of her wardrobe.


September 18, 2009


Some people hug their possessions and accessories as if they’re convinced someone is about to rob them. I’m not overly happy with this drawing. The passenger beside the subject spotted me and asked to see the drawing, as she was getting off the train. Not sure if she was disappointed that it wasn’t her but she turned it upside down, then right way up, then upside down again before handing it back and saying. She said, ‘Hmmm’, then hopped off. Then everyone stared at me. Demanding public, I tell you.