Sharpie rough

December 14, 2009

I wasn’t terribly happy with the underlying scribble (drawn very quickly with a fountain pen), so I decided to vandalize it with a sharpie. I prefer the graffiti version.

Deep Consideration

December 6, 2009

Got the feeling this lady was an academic, although it’s hard to say exactly why – most people read work-related stuff on the train and that’s probably what she was doing at the time. The multiple bags and satchels caught my eye.

Anxious couple (pen, ink, felt-tip)

October 23, 2009


There was a lot of whispering. He was very uptight, lots of leaning in and muttering. She was a bit distant. They settled down after a bit.

Sniffles (pen & ink)

October 12, 2009


Everyone, it seems has a sniffle, cold, flu or some form of winter-related malady. Hoping the sun pokes through soon. It’s been too grey for too long around here. Good for the garden though.

Crocodile Handbag

September 20, 2009


It’s a shame in way that this is a black and white drawing. This lady was a riot of colour. I’m pretty much certain that she had the entire spectrum covered. Very relaxed and restful she was too. Maybe she was worn out from the energy of her wardrobe.