SMH Crossword

September 12, 2009


Four across, seven letters; act of taking water from well, perhaps also with pen and paper.

Lost Sight of My Pupils

August 30, 2009


Reminds me of the old joke about the cross-eyed teacher: couldn’t control his pupils. Sorry

Long-arm Woes

August 7, 2009

Handfull of news

I would love to to read the paper -just once – without squinting. It’s sooooo far away. These long arms of mine are very handy at times (clever me, did I just make a pun?). It’s all very well cracking jokes but my eyesight’s suffering. And my back’s out from dragging these giant mitts around.

Late Night, Friday

July 31, 2009

Late Night

A little worse for wear, after a busy week. He wasn’t the only one. Felt obliged to wake the guy when the train terminated (payback for being such a good model). Not sure if he made it off the train before it shunted off into the terminus…

Mysterious in Black

July 14, 2009


Collars turned up, cap peak pulled down over face, 3-day stubble. All very mysterious. Used to see a lot of this type of character in the late eighties and early nineties – men who look out at the world from behind the pages of the NME (or similar alternative/indie music press). Lots of frowning and introspection and peering through John-Lennon* spectactles.

*More recently sported by Harry Potter