Bouquet (Pen & Ink)

November 18, 2009


Nervy tap of toe. Cellophane makes your hands sweaty. And it crackles whenever you move.

Buy the original artwork at my Etsy store

Engrossed in a paperback

June 18, 2009


Some people squirm all the way into a corner in a crowded space. This lady might still be there for all I know. She was practically embedded into the joinery and was leaning so far away from the adjacent person, could have fallen over.


May 17, 2009


It’s surprisingly difficult to draw people while they’re eating (without them knowing). Firstly, it felt like an invasion of privacy, although I’m not sure why that should be. Also, they move around a lot. There’s much furitive glancing about. I can’t comment on the reason but it could be either guilt (I know I shouldn’t eat fatty-bad-for-you food but I am…) or primeval fear (a roaming predator/competitor might snatch this meal away if I drop my guard).

Melting patient

May 2, 2009


I was at the doctor’s recently (minor complaint – in for a referral for an x-ray) and not fancying any of the magazines on offer, whiled the time away with a bit of sketching. The woman on the right was suffering from some sort of melting disorder – fudging, I think. There was a lot of ‘humphing’ and it sort of put me off…

Where’d I put my Sunnies?

April 22, 2009


This man had the archetypical ‘having-a-bad-day’ look about him. Might have had something to do with the floating face that was following him around or maybe he just couldn’t remember where he left his shades.