Intent Stamp Collector

June 25, 2009


I continue to be amazed at the intensity with which people can concentrate. This lady’s elbow was practically resting on my sketchbook, yet she never once took her attention from her brochure – of stamp collecting paraphenalia. I had no idea there was so much equipment required for such a hobby. Next to golfers, stamp collectors must be the greatest consumers of accessories on the planet.

Another commuting moment

June 19, 2009


The older man in the background didn’t stir throughout the entire journey. I was tired myself and dozed off not long after sketching this. Wonder if someone drew me?

Engrossed in a paperback

June 18, 2009


Some people squirm all the way into a corner in a crowded space. This lady might still be there for all I know. She was practically embedded into the joinery and was leaning so far away from the adjacent person, could have fallen over.

Fluoro Suit

June 14, 2009

pink sitting

Found myself on the train with nothing but a highlighter to draw with. Takes me back to my days of high-top basketball boots, stonewashed denim and too-bright shirts. Might explain the recent purchase of a Human League album. Must be caught in time-slip.


June 7, 2009

manprofileAnother from my lifedrawing sketchbook. The model didn’t show up (happens to the best of us), so people in the group took turns at posing. This is one of the people in the group. It’s quite interesting when you see other people’s drawings of you. A little like seeing video footage or hearing your own voice played back on a recording.