Hornsby Art Prize Entry

October 30, 2010

After much uhmming and awhing, decided to enter the image of the hunched seated model in the Hornsby Art Prize this year.

I considered this one – which is my preference but it just didn’t have it in the frame. Needs a background colour to push it out, I think?

Figure study

January 24, 2010

This was a warm-up study for a painting. The underlying sketch was drawn in about a minute or thereabouts from a live model. Worked over it a few weeks later and again, a couple of days after that. Something I recommend trying if you have drawings you’re not that happy with. If you don’t really like them in the first place, you’ve got nothing to loose by adding to them, overlaying or just scribbling to see what happens.

Study in line and form

August 25, 2009

Figure drawing study

Lately, have attempted to use line to model form. Finding it harder to than expected. It’s always easier to fall back to old habits and the safety of what you know.


May 31, 2009

leaningFrom my life-drawing group. This is a quick warm-up sketch in pen, brushpen and pencil.